Meet Beston at Malaysia International Water Convention 2019

Good News! Beston will participate in Malaysia International Water Convention 2019 during Oct. 1 and Oct. 3!

Malaysian Water Convention 2019 Beston
Meet Us in October

Malaysia International Water Convention 2019 is a big event in the waste recycling world. On the occasion, big environmental issues like “Climate Change”, “Green Technologies” will be talked except for the main theme of water resource management. It will also be a big opportunity for you to know Beston Group and our advanced technology of waste recycling, as well as our devotions to protect our planet.

If you are also interested in waste recycling and green technologies, join it and meet us at that time! The following is the details of the exhibition:

Malaysian Water Convention 2019
Our Position at the EXPO

Duration: Oct. 1-Otc. 3, 2019

Address: Hall 2, Level 1, Malaysian International Trade and Exhibition Center (MITEC).

You can leave your message to us below if you have any question. You are also encouraged to follow Beston on Youtube to learn more about our technologies.

    Please feel free to give your inquiry in the form. We will reply in 24h.

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